Bio-Energetic Testing

Bio-Energetic Testing

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” (Arthur C. Clarke)

The Qest 4 system is a fully automated hardware and software bio-energetic testing device.

What is Bio-energetic testing?

Physics reveals that human consciousness is an integrated field, not limited by the boundary of the physical body. This knowledge allows us to use “new eyes” to ponder the intuitive forms of medicine that have long challenged the western mind, as well as imagine and build tools to integrate these concepts into new ways of discerning what “ails” the human being.

Our new “eyes” allow us to move beyond the materialistic view of health and dis-ease and we can now see the physical state of organs and tissues as the end result of a much broader set of processes. We exist as a multi-layered field of energy - where thought, beliefs, emotion, relationships, daily regimen and numerous interactions with the environment - all combine to create our physical experience. Great health begins with the state of your energy!

The Qest4 is an elegant tool that utilizes bio-energetic testing to reveal your energetic imbalances (in real-time!) paving the way for you to experience the whole-health that is your birthright.


In a nutshell, the Qest4 system gives your body a way to communicate any energetic imbalances that it’s experiencing, and the corresponding organs and tissues that may be affected. Because this is an energetic test, and energy is constantly shifting and changing, we can’t use it as a diagnostic device. But it’s amazing what it can do! Here are some examples:

A woman is curious and gets scans as part of a regular follow up at the Quick Health Clinic. Her body picks energies that will help it to balance symptoms of a “cold”. But the woman doesn’t have a cold. Four hours later, she contacts the clinic to say that she now has a “cold”.  (Her body used the Qest4 to communicate that it was getting a “cold”, before her consciousness was even aware of it.)

A man comes to the clinic with severe abdominal pain that he’d been experiencing for several days. Using the Qest4 system, his body identifies the gallbladder energy as being out of balance and picks a homeopathic remedy from the database, to help it shift back to homeostasis. Within 10 minutes of taking that remedy, the pain is gone.

An older gentleman is curious about the Qest4 and requests scans. The scans identify an energetic imbalance in one of his molars, but his tooth feels fine. A week later the man leaves a message that he just returned from the dentist, having had that tooth filled. It began to hurt four days after his scans.

A male feline is scanned because he has been suffering with allergic-type symptoms for a year and a half. Utilizing the Qest4 technology his body communicates that it is sensitive to weeds, grasses and wheat. His “mom” changes his food to a wheat-free variety and removes the “cat grass” that she always grew for him. His symptoms disappear in short order.

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